Monday, April 20, 2015

How did I become a Beachbody Coach?

So if you are all about REAL TALK, then you are in the RIGHT PLACE. 

So let's get to it, shall we?


  • Do you ever feel like you lost your sense of "self" since becoming a mom? 
  • Do you ever feel like you lost a piece of "you," or like there is a void in your life since having kids (although you are very content being a mother)?
  • Do you ever feel like you are only KNOWN as your child’s “mom"? 
  • Do you ever feel desperate to just connect with some other moms and adults without ALWAYS having to leave your house or participate in a play group to do so?

Sometimes we ignore how we feel because it is in our nature (having the most selfless job in the world), and then we have an "AHA" moment, or we don’t even realize it until we take a random chance and step out of our "comfort zone” and try something NEW! 

When I was 3 months postpartum and joined an online accountability group to lose my baby weight, I KNEW within weeks that Beachbody Coaching was for me! Would I have known if I never joined that Challenge Group? Probably not! 
Fast-forward to today - I am SO thankful that I took the leap of faith - and boy was I skeptical about the WHOLE thing, but there was the opportunity right in front of me and there I was ---> New single mom, sleep-deprived, unemployed, heartbroken {because the reality was that the conditional relationship that was once with my loving finance that I was trying so hard to repair was not on the mend}, caring for a newborn on my own. I had no option but to workout at home, and a meal replacement shake was looking mighty fine when meal prep was the last thing I felt like doing when I had a few minutes to myself!

Well, now here is a glimpse into what THAT leap of FAITH gave my daughter & I:
First and foremost, as a Coach, I get to be a MOM. Not just a mom... a confident, HAPPY and HEALTHY mom! I have the opportunity to help people improve their lives daily. I help them get healthy, reach their goals, gain confidence, self-esteem, and even some financial freedom! Another thing I love is helping women realize their FULL POTENTIAL! I feel sometimes as females we tend to be our own harshest critics, putting our goals and wishes on the back burner, and eventually it gets to a point where we start to underestimate the power within. To me there is nothing like reviving that inner flame, especially with my Coaches, then encouraging them to DREAM BIG, goal set, and mentoring them every step of the way as I watch them CRUSH their goals (physically, mentally & financially)!!!
Perks of what I do: 
I have the flexibility to build my schedule and work day around who and what matters MOST - my daughter!!! I am present working from home with her. Being a Coach, keeps me accountable to my own health and fitness goals, causing me to take better care of myself, which in turn allows me to set a great example for my daughter AND take the BEST possible care of her! Another fun benefit of this journey (besides the awesome trips) is I have made so many new friends, including some who I KNOW will be LIFELONG! Beautiful, like-minded, positive, motivated, REAL people! Sometimes I feel like I need to pinch myself to wake up because could this ALL be a dream???  

Nope! I get paid to do these things, design my own life, and I am my own boss.

My team is growing and we are going full speed ahead! I started out with a team of a few in January of 2014 and this year our team is currently #110 (out of 220,000+ teams!!!) I am absolutely grateful and humbled by what our team has accomplished in one year! Sum this all up in one word... Incredible.  

So ENOUGH about ME. My question for you is... WHY NOT YOU?

If you are interested in applying to join our team, the Fit Tribe or would like to learn more about the coaching opportunity simply follow the link below and I will be in touch with you soon! 

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